Case 108: Approaching a Patient with PH - It Shouldn’t Be So Difficult! Paid Members Public
It is important to look for specific causes of PH in a structured manner on a CTPA
Case 107: Why LLMs Will Render Many Radiologists and their Reports Irrelevant… Paid Members Public
Radiologists need to quickly up their game, if they want to remain relevant in the face of LLMs like ChatGPT 4o.
Case 106: A Specific Pattern of Ground Glass in an Infant Paid Members Public
Most infants with chILD present with ground glass, which in most instances is non-specific, except in this one condition.
Case 105: The Pseudo-Miliary Appearance Paid Members Public
Unsharp, ill-defined nodules of varying sizes with ground glass halos define this condition
Case 104: Popcorn is the Classic Appearance, but Not Always Paid Members Public
Some lung nodules such as hamartomas have a characteristic appearance and can be easily diagnosed on CT scan
Snippet 21: Approach to Right Medial Cardiophrenic Angle Lesions Paid Members Public
Right medial cardiophrenic angle lesions are a group of lesions that can be differentiate from one another based on their internal characteristics and location
Case 103: SFTP Paid Members Public
SFTPs can be diagnosed reliably on CT scan as solid enhancing, often incidental asymptomatic, pleural masses that grow slowly with minimal uptake on PET/CT, in the 50-70 years age group.
Lecture: Dr S K Bhalla Oration at SCIICON 2024 - Evolution of HRCT - A 33-Years Journey Paid Members Public
A 33-years journey encapsulating a move from data, information and hopefully...wisdom