Snippet 22: What Defines an Ideal CT for Diffuse Lung Diseases Paid Members Public
A snippet on the various issues that go into creating a high quality CT scan in a patient with diffuse lung diseases. Essentially, volume 1 mm inspiratory-expiratory and volume prone 1 mm inspiratory images with suspended respiration and adequate kV and mAs.

Case 111: ILD with Cysts in Sjogren's Paid Members Public
In a patient with Sjogren's, an ILD pattern with cysts is very typical of a specific condition.

Case 110: The Chylothorax Conundrum Paid Members Public
Chylothorax is often an enigma. Usually, iatrogenic, traumatic and neoplastic causes can be diagnosed with standard contrast CT scans. Other causes need lymphangiograms for definitive diagnoses.

Lecture: Lung Cancer Screening in a TB Endemic Country - A Radiologist's Perspective Paid Members Public
It is unlikely that the presence of TB in endemic countries will affect the utility of LDCT for cancer detection in smokers, as long as the radiologists and pulmonologists have good interpretation skills and these patients are managed in a multidisciplinary setting

Case 109: When a Virtual Biopsy is Sometimes Accepted, Sometimes Not…Our Job is to Point Physicians/Surgeons in the Right Direction Paid Members Public
In a patient with a high pre-test probability, a DOTA-PET can reliably suggest a diagnosis of well-differentiated NET/carcinoid.

Case 108: Approaching a Patient with PH - It Shouldn’t Be So Difficult! Paid Members Public
It is important to look for specific causes of PH in a structured manner on a CTPA

Case 107: Why LLMs Will Render Many Radiologists and their Reports Irrelevant… Paid Members Public
Radiologists need to quickly up their game, if they want to remain relevant in the face of LLMs like ChatGPT 4o.

Case 106: A Specific Pattern of Ground Glass in an Infant Paid Members Public
Most infants with chILD present with ground glass, which in most instances is non-specific, except in this one condition.