Case 107: Why LLMs Will Render Many Radiologists and their Reports Irrelevant…

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A 76-year old man presented with gradually progressive breathlessness


This was the report of the radiologist on the entire volume set.

That’s like saying that a 6-feet tall structure with leaves and branches is a tree

This was the report of ChatGPT 4o on 16th Dec 2024 with just one prompt "76-years old man"

If ChatGPT 4o can do this without a history except for age and sex, radiologists clearly need to up their game if they want to remain relevant

The video discusses the case, the problem with the radiologist's report, the prompts used to get the ChatGPT report and how it was also able to quantify the extent of fibrosis and eventually why radiologists need to up their game to remain relevant or face the ignominy of irrelevance.