Case 48: Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE)
This continues the smoking related lung pathology series. Last week I showcased a patient with multiple manifestations of smoking related changes including combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE).
Today's focus is only on CPFE. How do we define it? Diagnose it? etc.
The video explains it all.
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Last Week
Snippet 13: Spectrum of Smoking Related Lung Changes in a Single Patient
The spectrum of lung changes in a smoker
Case 81: The Power of Gantry Angulation
Gantry angulation is a simple technique to overcome physical hurdles in the path of the biopsy needle
HPV DNA Screening for Cervical Cancer Saves Lives
HPV DNA Screening for Cervical Cancer Saves Lives
Case 10: Incidentally Detected Chest Wall Mass
50-years old with an incidentally detected chest wall mass on a CT scan of the chest