Case 67: Syndrome of Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE) – Official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Research Statement
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Technical and Practice Issues * Case 11: 62-years old misdiagnosed to have interstitial lung disease - mid-inspiratory and expiratory scans * Snippet 03: Radiation risk and CT chest * Case 23: 60-years old - 40-pack years smoker - right upper lobe nodule - resolved using “mean” reconstructions…
The official research statement on combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) was published last week. It has definitions to help us diagnose CPFE from a research perspective as well as clinically.
The video explains the salient features of the statement using a 69-years old 50-pack years smoker as an example.
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