Case 89: Diaphragmatic Dysfunction – Eventration, Paralysis…Does it Matter

Table of Contents

Index and Table of Contents
Technical and Practice Issues * Case 11: 62-years old misdiagnosed to have interstitial lung disease - mid-inspiratory and expiratory scans * Snippet 03: Radiation risk and CT chest * Case 23: 60-years old - 40-pack years smoker - right upper lobe nodule - resolved using “mean” reconstructions…


A 72-years old man, post-CABG, came for a CT scan of the chest for cough and dyspnea for 2-3 months duration.


  1. Eventration
  2. Paralysis
  3. Positional

The video discusses this case, and the causes of diaphragmatic dysfunction, both paralysis and eventration with multiple examples.