Lecture: Lung Cancer Screening in a TB Endemic Country

Table of Contents

Index and Table of Contents
Technical and Practice Issues * Case 11: 62-years old misdiagnosed to have interstitial lung disease - mid-inspiratory and expiratory scans * Snippet 03: Radiation risk and CT chest * Case 23: 60-years old - 40-pack years smoker - right upper lobe nodule - resolved using “mean” reconstructions…

Previous Case

Case 92: New Ground Glass in a Patient with a Fibrosing ILD
New ground glass in a patient with a fibrosing ILD with acute worsening is worrisome

Current Lecture

This is a lecture that I gave early in November. I discussed the role of low-dose CT (LDCT) in lung cancer screening in a TB endemic country.

The lecture starts with a discussion of LDCT and the various trials, followed by a discussion of the new Lung-RADS 2022 and then a few cases to show how we use Lung-RADS for Category 4 lesions.

The last part of the lecture is how the presence of old and active tuberculosis (TB) lesions modulates the use of LDCT for lung cancer screening.

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