Case 51: Growing Thoracic Non-Nodal Eggshell Calcification Paid Members Public
Growing thoracic non-nodal eggshell calcification
Case 50: Back to First Principles - Checking for Enhancement Paid Members Public
It is important to look at plain scans and if necessary measure HU values to check for presence - absence of enhancment once in a while
Case 49: The Hexagonal Pattern in Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Paid Members Public
The hexagonal pattern described the presence of confluent perilobular fibrosis in patients with fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Snippet 14: A History of the Irrelevance of the Cardiothoracic Ratio Paid Members Public
It is time to give up the cardiothoracic ratio
Case 48: Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE) Paid Members Public
CPFE is a distinct phenotype with upper lobe emphysema and lower lobe fibrosis, with preserved FVC and reduced DLCO
Snippet 13: Spectrum of Smoking Related Lung Changes in a Single Patient Paid Members Public
The spectrum of lung changes in a smoker
Case 47: When Does RB become RBILD and RBILD-Fibrosis? Paid Members Public
RB is to be diagnosed only in smokers.
Case 46: The Discordance Between Surgeons and Physicians Paid Members Public
A good history helps us identify etiologies of reversible ILDs