Case 105: The Pseudo-Miliary Appearance Paid Members Public
Unsharp, ill-defined nodules of varying sizes with ground glass halos define this condition

Case 104: Popcorn is the Classic Appearance, but Not Always Paid Members Public
Some lung nodules such as hamartomas have a characteristic appearance and can be easily diagnosed on CT scan

Snippet 21: Approach to Right Medial Cardiophrenic Angle Lesions Paid Members Public
Right medial cardiophrenic angle lesions are a group of lesions that can be differentiate from one another based on their internal characteristics and location

Case 103: SFTP Paid Members Public
SFTPs can be diagnosed reliably on CT scan as solid enhancing, often incidental asymptomatic, pleural masses that grow slowly with minimal uptake on PET/CT, in the 50-70 years age group.

Lecture: Dr S K Bhalla Oration at SCIICON 2024 - Evolution of HRCT - A 33-Years Journey Paid Members Public
A 33-years journey encapsulating a move from data, information and knowledge...to hopefully...wisdom

Snippet 20: Practical Approach to Diffuse Cystic Lung Diseases Paid Members Public
How to approach patients with diffuse cystic lung disease

Case 102: Tracheobronchial Tuberculosis Paid Members Public
It is important to recognize tracheobronchial TB on CT scans

Lecture: Risk Stratification of Lung Nodules Paid Members Public
What to do when faced with a solitary lung nodule.