Lecture: NSIP and OP Paid Members Public
This 16-mins lecture discusses NSIP and OP

Lecture: How to Approach a Patient with Interstitial Lung Abnormality (ILA) Paid Members Public
This 18-mins lecture discusses various issues related to interstitial lung abnormalities (ILAs)

Case 95: When the Nodule is an Island Paid Members Public
The first step, when a nodule is seen on a chest X-ray incidentally is to confirm its location...lung, pleura, chest wall, superficial...usually with a CT scan

Lecture: Imaging of Sarcoidosis Paid Members Public
CT scan appearance of sarcoidosis across all the stages

Snippet 18: The Jellyfish and Multiple Pleural Tag Signs Paid Members Public
Two new signs, the jellyfish sign and the multiple pleural tags to different pleural surfaces - help in improving our ability to predict visceral pleural invasion

Lecture: CT of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Paid Members Public
CT scan findings in hypersensitivity pneumonitis, fibrotic and nonfibrotic

Case 94: How Early is Early... Paid Members Public
What do these findings in a patient with scleroderma signify?

Case 93: The Asymmetric Chest Wall Paid Members Public
Asymmetric chest wall