Connective Tissue Disease

Case 111: ILD with Cysts in Sjogren's Paid Members Public
In a patient with Sjogren's, an ILD pattern with cysts is very typical of a specific condition.

Lecture: Connective Tissue Disease ILDs Paid Members Public
A basic lecture on connective tissue disease ILDs

Case 58: Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis - Scleroderma ILD Paid Members Public
Scleroderma ILD, secondary PPFE and progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF)

Case 39: Upper Lobe Subpleural Fibrosis Paid Members Public
27-years old with progressive upper lobe subpleural fibrosis

Snippet 09: Variant Fibrosis Paid Members Public
Variants fibrosis - fibrosis patterns that suggest CTD-ILD with two new signs "island-like fibrosis" and "heterogeneous lung destruction".

Snippet 07: CT Signs Suggesting a CTD-ILD Paid Members Public
CT scan signs that strongly suggest the likelihood of an underlying connective tissue disease

Case 10: Non-Resolving Progressive Opacities, Organizing Pneumonia and a Diagnosis After 3 Years Paid Members Public
67-years old lady who presented in 2017 with an organizing pneumonia (OP) pattern, and then 3 years later with significant progression