Lecture: CT of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Paid Members Public
CT scan findings in hypersensitivity pneumonitis, fibrotic and nonfibrotic

Case 92: New Ground Glass in a Patient with a Fibrosing ILD Paid Members Public
New ground glass in a patient with a fibrosing ILD with acute worsening is worrisome

Case 91: Bubble Lucencies, Central Lucencies, Bubbly Consolidation Paid Members Public
Bubble and central lucencies and bubby consolidation are signs that suggest a slew of entities all characterized by differential low densities

Case 90: The Probable UIP Conundrum - Time Matters Paid Members Public
Probable UIP or NSIP pattern and further management

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - III - 29th June 2023: Non-Fibrosing ILDs Paid Members Public
The third lecture of the series

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - II - 22nd June 2023: Fibrosing ILDs - contd & Introduction to Non-Fibrosing ILDs Paid Members Public
The second lecture of the series

Case 85: An Indeterminate Fibrosing ILD and the Power of Old Scans Paid Members Public
Old scans are a powerful tool in the diagnosis and management of ILDs

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - I: Fibrosing ILDs - 2023 06 15 Paid Members Public
The first lecture of the series