Interstitial Lung Disease

Case 11: The Tragi-Comic Consequences of a Poor Quality Scan Paid Members Public
62-years old man diagnosed to have Covid-19 on an expiratory scan CT scan and the consequences thereafter. It is necessary to have a supine inspiratory scan at the least in all patients if expiratory and prone are not possible.

Case 10: Non-Resolving Progressive Opacities, Organizing Pneumonia and a Diagnosis After 3 Years Paid Members Public
67-years old lady who presented in 2017 with an organizing pneumonia (OP) pattern, and then 3 years later with significant progression

Case 7: UIP/IPF with a Superimposed Lung Complication Paid Members Public
75-years old man with UIP IPF and a superimposed > 20 mm lung nodule that was biopsied and turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma.

Case 6: Probable Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (Probable UIP) / Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Paid Members Public
63-years old man with probable UIP IPF. The video discusses the case, the differentiation from typical UIP IPF and the importance of traction bronchiectasis.

Case 5: Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP) - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Paid Members Public
70-years old man with a 2-years history of progressive breathlessness. This case has axial, coronal and sagittal CT scan sets, with a D/D of honeycombing and flow-charts of how to diagnosis UIP and how to get to a diagnosis of IPF.

Case 4: Lymphangitis Carcinomatosis Paid Members Public
70-years old lady with Ca breast, with progressive dyspnea. She had nodular septal thickening in the right lung, more in the right lower lobe with larger discrete nodules. These findings are characteristic of lymphangitis carcinomatosis

Case 3: Lungs of Stone Paid Members Public
Patients with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis - radiographs and CT scans with discussion and staging.

Case 2: Resolution of Covid-19 "fibrosis" at 9 months follow-up Paid Members Public
This case describes significant improvement of the lung lesions at 9 months follow-up as is known from the first SARS experience.