Lung Nodule

Case 105: The Pseudo-Miliary Appearance Paid Members Public
Unsharp, ill-defined nodules of varying sizes with ground glass halos define this condition

Case 104: Popcorn is the Classic Appearance, but Not Always Paid Members Public
Some lung nodules such as hamartomas have a characteristic appearance and can be easily diagnosed on CT scan

Lecture: Risk Stratification of Lung Nodules Paid Members Public
What to do when faced with a solitary lung nodule.

Case 95: When the Nodule is an Island Paid Members Public
The first step, when a nodule is seen on a chest X-ray incidentally is to confirm its location...lung, pleura, chest wall, superficial...usually with a CT scan

Snippet 18: The Jellyfish and Multiple Pleural Tag Signs Paid Members Public
Two new signs, the jellyfish sign and the multiple pleural tags to different pleural surfaces - help in improving our ability to predict visceral pleural invasion

Lecture: Lung Cancer Screening in a TB Endemic Country Paid Members Public
LDCT in a TB endemic country is feasible despite the increase pick-up of nodules due to old or active TB

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - IX - 14th Sep 2023: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule - PFN, Juxtrapleural Nodule, Nodules in Smokers and Lung-RADs Paid Members Public
The ninth lecture of the series

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - VIII - 07th Sep 2023: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule > 8 mm Paid Members Public
The eight lecture of the series