
Case 68: Looking at the Lungs Carefully When There is Lymphadenopathy Paid Members Public
A good luck at the lungs allows us to better triage lymphadenopathy

Case 45: The Power of Eggshell Calcification Paid Members Public
Recognizing eggshell calcification narrows the differential - it should trigger an occupational history search immediately.

Case 33: Every Active Lymph Node on PET is Not Necessarily Significant Paid Members Public
Every active node on PET is not necessarily significant and needs to be evaluated for calcification / high density - features that suggest old healed disease

Case 30: The Story of the Samosa-Wrap Worker Paid Members Public
51-years old man with dyspnea, gradually progressive, working as a samosa-wrap worker in Dharavi

Case 8: Rupture of a Mediastinal Node into the Lung Paid Members Public
14-years old girl with a large, tuberculous, necrotic right paratracheal mediastinal node that ruptured into the lung.