
Case 42: Every Necrotic Mass in the Prevascular Space of the Mediastinum is NOT Tuberculosis Paid Members Public
Every Necrotic Mass in the Prevascular Space of the Mediastinum is NOT Tuberculosis

Case 40: Why is 2 + 2 Not Considered 4? Paid Members Public
A mediastinal mass where 2 + 2 = 4

Case 33: Every Active Lymph Node on PET is Not Necessarily Significant Paid Members Public
Every active node on PET is not necessarily significant and needs to be evaluated for calcification / high density - features that suggest old healed disease

Case 15: The Many Faces of Mediastinal Fibrosis Paid Members Public
A case of mediastinal fibrosis, hyperdense on plain CT with SVC involvement and hard on biopsy with a discussion of different types and other cases.

Case 8: Rupture of a Mediastinal Node into the Lung Paid Members Public
14-years old girl with a large, tuberculous, necrotic right paratracheal mediastinal node that ruptured into the lung.

Case Series 1: Do Not Ignore the Non-Contrast (Plain Scan) Paid Members Public
The video shows 3 cases that bring forth the point that the non-contrast scan can make a difference to eventual management and should be done, looked at and evaluated.