
Case 110: The Chylothorax Conundrum Paid Members Public
Chylothorax is often an enigma. Usually, iatrogenic, traumatic and neoplastic causes can be diagnosed with standard contrast CT scans. Other causes need lymphangiograms for definitive diagnoses.

Case 103: SFTP Paid Members Public
SFTPs can be diagnosed reliably on CT scan as solid enhancing, often incidental asymptomatic, pleural masses that grow slowly with minimal uptake on PET/CT, in the 50-70 years age group.

Snippet 18: The Jellyfish and Multiple Pleural Tag Signs Paid Members Public
Two new signs, the jellyfish sign and the multiple pleural tags to different pleural surfaces - help in improving our ability to predict visceral pleural invasion

Case 74: Multifocal / Diffuse Pleural Disease Paid Members Public
Multifocal / diffuse pleural masses have a short differential diagnosis