
Lecture: Lung Cancer Screening in a TB Endemic Country - A Radiologist's Perspective Paid Members Public
It is unlikely that the presence of TB in endemic countries will affect the utility of LDCT for cancer detection in smokers, as long as the radiologists and pulmonologists have good interpretation skills and these patients are managed in a multidisciplinary setting

Case 102: Tracheobronchial Tuberculosis Paid Members Public
It is important to recognize tracheobronchial TB on CT scans

Case 101: When the Pattern of Lung Disease Gives a Clue to the Diagnosis Paid Members Public
Pattern recognition of lung lesions matters

Case 97: How to Identify and Diagnose Miliary TB as a Cause of ARDS Paid Members Public
Milary TB can be diagnosed as a cause of ARDS by evaluating the least involved areas, usually the apices

Lecture: Lung Cancer Screening in a TB Endemic Country Paid Members Public
LDCT in a TB endemic country is feasible despite the increase pick-up of nodules due to old or active TB

Case 84: Same Sized Small Lung Nodules Paid Members Public
30-years old with cough and fever

Tuberculosis vs Sarcoidosis - Lecture Paid Members Public
It is possible in many instances to differentiate between tuberculosis and sarcoidosis

Case 69: What Ails Chest Imaging Training? Paid Members Public
It helps to follow the first principles of interpretation