Case 98: Acute Increased Dyspnea in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - First Considerations Paid Members Public
A stepwise approach to suspected acute exacerbation in fibrosing ILDs helps in reaching a diagnosis

Case 92: New Ground Glass in a Patient with a Fibrosing ILD Paid Members Public
New ground glass in a patient with a fibrosing ILD with acute worsening is worrisome

Case 91: Bubble Lucencies, Central Lucencies, Bubbly Consolidation Paid Members Public
Bubble and central lucencies and bubby consolidation are signs that suggest a slew of entities all characterized by differential low densities

Case 90: The Probable UIP Conundrum - Time Matters Paid Members Public
Probable UIP or NSIP pattern and further management

Snippet 04: Fibrotic NSIP vs Probable UIP Paid Members Public
A flow-chart to help differentiate between NSIP and probable UIP - a commonly asked question

Snippet 01: Differentiating Traction Bronchiectasis from Honeycombing Paid Members Public
Many radiologists & physicians have difficulty differentiating traction bronchiectasis from honeycombing. The post and video explain how to do this.

Case 7: UIP/IPF with a Superimposed Lung Complication Paid Members Public
75-years old man with UIP IPF and a superimposed > 20 mm lung nodule that was biopsied and turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma.

Case 6: Probable Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (Probable UIP) / Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Paid Members Public
63-years old man with probable UIP IPF. The video discusses the case, the differentiation from typical UIP IPF and the importance of traction bronchiectasis.